ming movie reviews

in about 100 words or less

Fail Safe (1964)

USA 112m, B&W
Director: Sidney Lumet; Cast: Henry Fonda, Dan O’Herlihy, Walter Matthau, Edward Binns, Larry Hagman, Dom DeLuise

Once employed, Fail Safe is a strategic procedure that is designed to ensure that a  mission is accomplished no matter what the circumstances. In the case of the film, the unforeseen consequences of this strategy are devastating. As a fictional scenario set at the height of the Soviet-American tensions, Fail Safe – the movie is a cautionary tale about an over reliance on technology – a theme that continues to be a mainstay in science fiction. While not as well-known or respected as Dr. Strangelove, it is a tremendously tense and shocking film which now provides a historical glimpse of the 1960s nuclear powered Cold War paranoia (Klaus Ming April 2010).

5 comments on “Fail Safe (1964)

  1. John

    Notwithstanding the similarities to Dr. Strangelove, this film really does belong on the 1001 movie list.

  2. Joachim Boaz

    One of my all time favorites — Kubrick apparently prevented the studio from releasing Fail-Safe before Dr. Strangelove because of the similarities pf plot (obviously the tone is somewhat different — hehe).

    • Klaus

      You can say that again! Failsafe is one of scariest movies ever made.

  3. Joachim Boaz

    I love the camera work at the end! Harrowing… in a restrained yet gripping way.

    • Klaus

      The screeching sound is what gets to me.

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